Forums / Install & configuration / Setup Wizard Error

Setup Wizard Error

Author Message

Joanie Chembars

Wednesday 01 December 2004 8:21:48 am

Hi -
Using apache 1.3.29 and mysql 3.23.55 -- eZ 3.4.4
I got all the way to the securing site page - made the recommended addition of the htaccess file and then got a server error.......
Any ideas??

Balazs Halasy

Wednesday 01 December 2004 8:25:31 am

Remove the recommended .htaccess thing and try to run without it.


Joanie Chembars

Wednesday 01 December 2004 8:37:08 am

Thanks for the quick reply -- after I had typed in my message - a lightbulb went off and I did just what you suggested and it worked fine. The old brain doesn't put 2 and 2 together as quickly as it used to............
Thanks again........ I can't wait to check this out!!