Forums / Install & configuration / Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in .../ezdebug.php on line 193

Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in .../ezdebug.php on line 193

Author Message

Andreas Schwarz

Tuesday 30 November 2004 8:52:03 pm

Hi ya'll,

I got this Massage after I tried to access the site the first time.
No setup, no nothing...
Didn't touched anything.

<b>Fatal error:</b> Cannot re-assign $this in $HOME\httpd\testsite\lib\ezutils\classes\ezdebug.php on line 193

186: /*!
187: \return the name of the message type.
188: */
189: function messageName( $messageType )
190: {
191:   if ( !isset( $this ) or
192:     get_class( $this ) != "ezdebug" )
193:       $this =& eZDebug::instance();
194:     return $this->MessageNames[$messageType];
195: }

seems to be ok!?



Georg Franz

Wednesday 01 December 2004 5:51:03 am


ez 3.x don't run with php5.

Kind regards,

Best wishes,

-- Horoskop website which uses eZ Publish since 2004