Sunday 31 May 2009 9:24:01 am
Hi, I want to upload my ezPublish 4.0.3 site to godaddy but it has been a nightmare to me to do so. I'm sorry if this is not write place to post this question, but I've spent already 3 days trying to figure it out without success. I'm just posting here in hope that anyone here have experience on this meter. 1) I can't upload the database because my exported .sql file from my msql databas (using mysql dump) has got 20M and the server only accepts uploads of 2M files to the database. I separated the .sql file into smaller pieces, but there are table row's from the table ezcontentobject that are too big and make the phpmyadmin server crash while uploading. My data is written in portuguese, so the problem may also be in the accents or punctuation. Is there a way to split this rows? 2) I already uploaded the entire site, and when I point to my site ( it show's ezpublish error message that indicates that there is database connection missing. But the problem is that the index.php is calling the pagelayout.tpl, but not the css files (as happens when the site conf settings are all ok, but only missing database connection). So, is there any extra configuration I have to do? (I already changed the siteURL on the site.ini) 3) How can I conffgure the form notiffications? 4) Can I install ezComponents on the ezPublish root directory?
cheers, Thanks for any answer