Forums / General / Translation in module/template not working

Translation in module/template not working

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Heiko Irrgang

Thursday 13 January 2011 5:10:57 am


i have a module which should output translated messages. The site is set up to have two languages and it works for content pages, but in the module i cannot get the translation working, it always puts out the default string.

Here is my siteconfig site.ini.append from the translated language:


I used ezlupdate to generate the xml file which is placed in /extendsions/modulename/translations/eng-GB and translated to the english language.

In the templates i work with:


but if i switch to the english language, still the german texts are displayed.

cache is cleared, autoload rebuilt

Do i have to tell ezpublish somehow which modules are translated in which language, so it reads the language files?

Heiko Irrgang

Thursday 13 January 2011 6:04:36 am

ok, found it, was a combination of two things:


in site.ini.append

and... OMG from the docs:


This setting is automatically set to disabled if your Locale is set to "eng-GB"

Gaetano Giunta

Thursday 13 January 2011 10:12:15 am

Please note that even if you set TextTranslation=enabled, afaik the eng-GB templates will not be translated; This means you are

- forced to write templates in english

- forced to use some other english variation (eg. US) if you want to have translation active for english

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