Blogs / team / RFC : more participation through a reworked “Get Involved” section.
Thursday 31 March 2011 4:10:25 am
By : Nicolas Pastorino
Meeting after online exchanges always feels good. Putting faces on nicknames, having a beer together, face-to-face talks recharge batteries and give a ton of energy for a continued engagement, once back home.eZ organizes two large events a year :
These are great occasion to hear greatly instructive talks about eZ Publish, its technological surroundings as well as business experts. They are respectively announced here on, stay tuned on your RSS feeds and register once they are announced !
On top of this, an event planner is coming up, allowing Community members to announce their participation to events where they are to mention/talk about eZ Publish. These can be all types of conferences, ranging from the many PHP conferences to more business-driven fairs and conventions, through open-source meet-ups. Having these events listed will be a good way to grab an occasion to meet other community members participating to conferences you will attend to. More contact, more power.
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