Blogs / team / RFC : more participation through a reworked “Get Involved” section.
Thursday 31 March 2011 4:10:25 am
By : Nicolas Pastorino
Stay tuned on the portal's activity by following @ezcommunity. Also, cool instant pings happen on Twitter, where many community members are active. Feel free to join this sphere, and the first step could be to follow this Twitter list :
The eZ Ecosystem is also gathered on LinkedIn, swing by there!Local initiatives exist :
Tell us the ones you know, we will list them here promptly !
A common practice for spreading the word about something you like or find useful is to link back to it. From your various online presences (your own blog, your profiles, etc. ) you should do so with : a link-back, a small description if there is room for it. That will be of great benefit to our community.
Stating that you know eZ Publish on your resume is likely to raise interest around it. eZ Publish developers are looked for intensively, so tell them you are into it !
When participating to user or interest groups, mentioning eZ Publish, when appropriate, is a guarantee of a continued growth of the eZ Community. These simple actions help push the boundaries of our Community.
The world of social media is moving fast, tell us about your findings where you think the eZ Community should be ! <link to contact form/info>
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