Monday 19 July 2004 5:37:21 am
I'm trying to install eZ Publish on a shared host. They use a default PHP memory size of 8MB which - as the eZ install script points out - is too small. To extend this I have the following options (Unix):
1. talk my host into extending the memory limit globally; won't happen
2. place a modified php.ini file in EACH directory of eZ publish that contains php scripts
3. place a symbolic link to a modified php.ini file in EACH directory of eZ publish that contains php scripts 4. edit all eZ php scripts with the following line: ini_set ( memory_limit, "24M" );
Wouldn't it be a good idea to extend the memory check thing in the install script to:
* identify any memory limitation as today
* ask the user how much memory to allocate * set memory size globally using item 4. above? Please?
Best Regards