Monday 28 July 2003 8:11:05 am
Hi In my pagelayout template I have a "box" on the right side which show the products in basket and total amount. I have tried this:
{section name=Basket show=$basket.items|gt(0)} <input type="hidden" name="ProductItemIDList[]" value="{$}" />
<table width="100%">
{section name=ProductItem loop=$basket.items}
<td class="menybox" width="100%" colspan="2"><a class="menybox" href={concat("/content/view/full/",$Basket:ProductItem:item.node_id,"/")|ezurl}>{$Basket:ProductItem:item.item_count} x {$Basket:ProductItem:item.object_name|wash}{$Basket:ProductItem:item.item_count}</a>
</td> {/section}
<td class="menybox" width="50%">Total:</td>
<td class="menybox" width="50%"></td>
<td class="menybox" width="50%">{$basket.total_inc_vat|l10n(currency)}</td>
<td class="menybox" width="50%">{$basket.total_ex_vat|l10n(currency)}</td>
</table> {/section}
{section name=Basket show=$basket.items|lt(1) } You have no products in your basket. {/section} This works fine when I'm in /shop/basket/, but not when browsing around for more products. I suppose I need a fetch function here, but how can I fetch from basket?