problem with install 3.7.0

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Phillip Moringer

Sunday 16 October 2005 6:14:00 am


i am trying to install ezpublish 3.7.0 on a apache 2 php 4.4 mysql 4.1 server and can not get over the page of mysqul account difinition

i get this error :

The database would not accept the connection, please review your settings and try again


Marko Žmak

Sunday 16 October 2005 9:21:57 am

First of all you should check if your mysql server is running. You can do it like this:

mysql -u your_username your_databse

(I think you can ommti the your_database parameter)

If you get an error similar like this:

ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

then something's wrong with your mysql server. If you get the password prompt then the Server is running OK.

The next step to check (when you assured that the mysql server is running) is to check if you can connect to mysql from PHP. Create a php file with this content:


$conn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'your_server', 'your_password');

echo $conn;


and put this file somewhere in the directory where your web pages are located. The view that file from your browser. If you get somethnig like this:

Resource id 32543

you CAN connect to mysql from PHP. If you get some error, then there's probably something misconfigured in your PHP installation.

You could also enable debug in eZ by putting this:


in settings/override/site.ini.append.php in your eZ instalation and when you view the eZ site from your browser, you'll get the debug infromation on the bottom. Very useful. Remember to remove this debug lines from this file when you solve the error if you don't want to see the debug info anymore.

Hope this helps.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Phillip Moringer

Sunday 16 October 2005 5:18:02 pm


and thanks.

Sql server is working fine
using the code

$conn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'your_server', 'your_password');

echo $conn;


i get following error

Warning: mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\index666.php on line 3

Php.ini and my.ini look like they are ok
any sugestions ???


Łukasz Serwatka

Sunday 16 October 2005 11:18:38 pm

MySQL 4.1 and higher uses an authentication protocol based on a password hashing algorithm that is incompatible with that used by older.

Run those SQL queiries or

    -> 'some_user'@'some_host' = OLD_PASSWORD('newpwd');

Alternatively, use UPDATE and FLUSH PRIVILEGES: 

mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = OLD_PASSWORD('newpwd')
    -> WHERE Host = 'some_host' AND User = 'some_user';

Start mysqld with the --old-passwords option.

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Phillip Moringer

Monday 17 October 2005 7:19:37 pm

Thanks that solves dis problem
Now i am having probelm in choing images


Marko Žmak

Tuesday 18 October 2005 3:05:38 pm

Could you correct your description of the problem? I don't quite understand what "choing images" means. And a detailed explanation of your problem would also help.

Lukas, can this problem with wrong mysql also be solved by upgrading mysql support for php to a newer version?

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

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