Tuesday 15 April 2008 8:53:12 am
I work for a non-profit environmental organization and we have run into a major dilemma re: ezPublish. About 6 years ago, we had an ezPublish system installed on our website. Since that time, we have posted over 4,000 articles into the system, and it has generally worked ok. However, an unforseen problem with our server forced us to move our entire website on very short notice. In moving our website over to the new server, we have been unable to get our ezPublish system working again. I could go into a few more details, but essentially what I am hoping to find is a programmer who would be interested in working on this for us. We would be able to pay by the hour. Any help in locating such a programmer, would be GREATLY appreciated! As it now stands, our web site has over 4,000 dead links, so the situation is kind of desperate.
Thank you,
Michael Connett [email protected]