Tuesday 27 April 2004 3:21:20 pm
I am having similar problems, running Apache 2, PHP 4.3.5, MySQL 4.0.18-standard and installing several different versions of eZPublish 3 (3.3.4, 3.4.alpha3, etc.). When the install wizard completes, I get a page with links to both the user and the admin site. When I go to the admin site, I enter 'admin' and the password I provided to the wizard. The screen refreshes to a blank login page. If I try 'publish' as the password, I get an invalid password page. I have enabled AcceptPathInfo (although the test in the installer can't ever find it). I've confirmed AcceptPathInfo is working as required, by going to a phpinfo page and adding /all/kinds/of/text/to/the/end/of/the/url. Any ideas as to why I'm not getting any farther than the login page? This looks like it is a recuring problem, though the fixes have always involved doing something that I've already done (latest version of software, AcceptPathInfo, etc.). I'm at my wits end at this point... it shouldn't be this hard. :-\