Monday 09 January 2006 9:50:10 am
Agree with Paul on the tutorials.
Also, you've got a lot of contributions that are there because there is, or was, something missing in ez. You've got a lot of gems in the contrib, but that should be better linked with the rest of the documentation. I've found a lot of great examples in the contribs and I used them as documentation (how to create an attribute, an event...). It would have been great to see on the doc, some hints saying that this feature is expended by that attribute. It would be useful to have a links on "how to create a workflow event" to some contributed events. Also, it would be great to have an end-user documentation, as things like classes and attributes don't speak to them at all. I always have the same questions about when to use a folder and when to use an article, what does mean "the tag underline isn't allowed to be a child of strong" (or some kind of rather technical error messages). X+