Tuesday 22 August 2006 1:41:43 am
Hi, thx for replying :) I also found this key and the others tables... Now I can say : <b>Adding a product to the basket</b> - add an entry in ezbasket(id, order_id, productcollection_id, session_id) order_id = 0
- add an entry in ezproductcollection(created, currency_code, id) - add an entry in ezproductcollection_item(contentobject_id, discount, id, is_vat_inc, item_count, name, price, productcollection, vat_value) discount : discount value
price : price including VAT
vat_value : VAT percent value
<b>Deleting a product form the basket :</b>
- delete the entry in ezproductcollection_item - <i>currency_code</i> attribute is set to blank in ezproductcollection for the related entry <b>Order Confirmation</b> <b>Step 1 - Click the Checkout button (in the Basket view) and then Continue button (in the Client information confirmation view)</b> - add an entry in ezorder(accound_identifier, created, data_text_1, data_text_2, email, id, ignore_vat, is_archived, is_temporary, order_nr, productioncollection_id, status_id, status_modified, status_modifier_id, user_id) data_text_1 = xml text to recap customer information
is_temporary = 1
email = blank
order_nr = 0
- in ezbasket order_id link to the ezorder.id
- in ezproductcollection currency_code set to blank ??? (I must check it again...)
<b>Step 2 - Order confirmation (just after the call to the payment gateway)</b> - in ezbasket order_id set to blank, and entry is still here
- in ezorder email = customer mail
is_temporary = 0
order_nr = incremented (but != order_id)
- in ezproductcollection entry duplicated (-> new id)
- in ezproductcollection_item entries duplicated (-> new id)
<b>In Conclusion : </b> - if you delete the basket content there is still and entry in ezbasket (-> can't understand why...!!!)
if then you add again a product in the basket
§ the entry in ezbasket stay there
§ a new entry is created in ezproductcollection_item (if it's the same product, only the id differs from the last entry because it's a unique & autoincremented key)
- if you don't confirm the order nothing done, you can call the page by using shop/confirmorder
if you add an other product in the basket :
§ same product -> only the quantity changes in ezproductcollection_item
§ new product -> new entry in ezproductcollection_item (with the same productcollection_id)
if you delete the product from the basket
ð delete the entry in ezproductcollection_item
ð <i>currency_code</i> attribute is set to blank in ezproductcollection for the related entry, but the entry is still there... and if you delete the basket, then add a product, the created attribute IS NOT change
ð the entry in ezorder is still there too. You can still access to the order by shop/confirmorder but there is no article inside (normal...)
... so I'm lost...
There are many things that I can't understand (why there is still an entry in ezbasket or ezorder...)
For the quantity management, I'd like to do this (unless there is someone who give me a better solution ;) :
- creating a function (or a template operator) to check the available quantity of the product in the product information and decrease this (virtually, I mean I don't modify the database entry for a product) each time it found an entry in ezproductcollection_item (related to an ezbasket)
- if someone confirm his order, decrease the product quantity - creating something who permanently check the creation time in ezproductcollection creation time (the created attribute) and autodelete entry from customer client If the reservation time elapse -> problem if you delete product from basket then add new product, the created attribute isn't reset to the current time... and I really don't know how to do that :s I know I'm not clear... but If someone could help, It would be very very nice :) Regards, Arnaud
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