Monday 21 August 2006 6:49:05 am
I want to create a link to a related object. This is my code
{let related_objects=fetch( 'content', 'related_objects',
hash( 'object_id', $module_result.content_info.object_id ) )}
{section loop=$related_objects var=related_object}
{if eq($related_object.content_class.identifier, "text_page" )}
<a href={$related_object.url_alias|ezurl()}>{$related_object.data_map.page_title.content|wash}</a><br />
The link displays with the correct page title but the URL is incomplete. It simply links to the rout of the site.. I assume that this $related_object.url_alias|ezurl()
Doesn't pull out the objects URL. What does? Thanks