Saturday 12 August 2006 7:14:52 pm
Hello Pascal, Check the HTML specification for comments ( , section 3.2.5. Comments). One the webpage you use {$node|attribute('show')} or something similar surrounded by an html comment. The problem is that a HTML comment already ends with two dashes (and _not_ with
like most people seem to think), therefore everything after these two dashes is displayed on your webpage. I assume that he same would happen with a folder with two dashes in the title providing you try to display the properties the same way.
Solution: Remove the {$node|attribute('show')} from your template code. It is very useful on a test site, but on a live webpage this just consumes unnecessary processing power and makes the html code larger than necessary. As the two dashes will only cause problems once there is an opened html comment, this should actually suffice. If you truly need to display the data this way the only way I can see right now is to make a string replace on the output and replace -- with their html entities. Claudia