Wednesday 19 May 2004 9:59:50 am
Hi Dries, what I usually do, is to create a new class of content (in your case: <i>product review</i>) and create <i>product reviews</i> as children objects of the <i>product</i> object, using the <i>Create here</i> button in the admin interface. That is, you don't impose the relation at a design level (i.e. when specifying classes), but at an implementation level (i.e. when creating objects). It's questionable, but it works. Remember, though, that you have to enforce a policy, so that the user you choose to authorize, can only create <i>product reviews</i> under a <i>product</i> object and nowhere else (it can be done in the <i>role</i> sub-section of the <i>user</i> section of the admin interface. Sounds complicated, but it's absolutely not.
Bye, Guglielmo