Golvier Jean
Wednesday 19 May 2004 7:25:23 am
I got a problem with fetch filtering option. In a news type website, I try to filter on atrribute author and it's works well with this code :
let category_list=fetch(content, list, hash(parent_node_id, 214, sort_by, array(published, false()), attribute_filter, array('or', array('218', '=', 'dw')), class_filter_type, include, class_filter_array, array('article')))
but now I want to fetch articles that are translated in one language, but I can't find attribute in relation with language in article class. I try something like
let category_list=fetch(content, list, hash(parent_node_id, 214, sort_by, array(published, false()), attribute_filter, array('or', array('language_code', '=', 'eng-GB')), class_filter_type, include, class_filter_array, array('article')))
but it doesn't work. There's a solution, isn't there ? Thanks for help. Jean