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Blog postsTuesday 09 February 2010 08:38
We are happy to announce the release of eZ Publish 4.3.0alpha1. This release contains several improvements and bugfixes for the kernel, and is accompanied by several new extensions. A few highlights are provided below.
Wednesday 03 February 2010 04:58
eZ Publish 4.3 is getting closer, time to strengthen and coordinate our localization effort !
Wednesday 03 February 2010 04:06
On january 21st and 22nd was held the 2010 eZ Winter Conference, in Geneva. As announced here, this eZ Ecosystem gathering turned into a lively, fun and intense event. A look back on 2009, and a promising look ahead on 2010 grabbed all attendees' attention during two full days. Here is a small wrap-up of the Community Day (jan. 21st) with slides of the talks, links to pictures and videos, and an attempt to put the overall great ambiance into words.
Wednesday 27 January 2010 04:00
Status of Enhancement #015778 (No shortening of topic titles in the topic lists) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #015778 (No shortening of topic titles in the topic lists) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015755 (The search box should be relocated as it often disappears) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #015795 (Comment/discussion post counts for article/blog/tutorial list views) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #015795 (Comment/discussion post counts for article/blog/tutorial list views) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015803 (Comment line views under blog posts or articles have some poor HTML/CSS, don't seem comments) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015803 (Comment line views under blog posts or articles have some poor HTML/CSS, don't seem comments) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015856 (All articles are missing images) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015856 (All articles are missing images) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015760 (Forum RSS feed) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
New link (#001395):
#015760 (Forum RSS feed)
incorporates #016079 (Have an RSS feed for a search, in order to be notified when something new regarding one given topic pops up in the whole content) by Nicolas Pastorino
New Enhancement - #016079: Have an RSS feed for a search, in order to be notified when something new regarding one given topic pops up in the whole content by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015797 (Text field for reply is often too small) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #015826 (Forum refinements) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #015826 (Forum refinements) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #015826 (Forum refinements) has been set to New by Nicolas Pastorino
Tuesday 26 January 2010 04:00
Status of Bug #015772 (Differentiate the background color of the breadcrumbs and the menu) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015772 (Differentiate the background color of the breadcrumbs and the menu) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015790 (Unable to comment on blog posts and articles (access denied) and tutorials (not available)) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Task #015822 (Set up a simple agile management tool on the platform) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Task #015822 (Set up a simple agile management tool on the platform) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015858 (Article wasn't imported) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015858 (Article wasn't imported) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015858 (Article wasn't imported) has been set to Confirmed by Nicolas Pastorino
Tuesday 26 January 2010 05:50
Hi all, I wanted to share with all of you the 15 open stories for future eZ Publish requirements discussed during the great event we had in Geneva last Thursday and Friday. Those 15 stories, that are actually considered for future releases of eZ Publish (along with others not discussed at that occasion), were quickly introduced during a « speed dating » session at the community day. The goal was to pick the brain of the attendees and try to see if any 'perfect match' existed between the candidates and the community.
Tuesday 19 January 2010 01:39
If you can not make it to the Winter Conference this time, but would like to get a taste of what is happening there, you just have to find a nice couch, sit back and relax: it's on TV !!
Sunday 17 January 2010 11:54
Hello eZ Ecosystem!
I am delighted to announce that the first features, resulting of our common work is now available for you to use!
Tuesday 05 January 2010 08:46
A new year never comes without good resolutions, and this applies to eZ: 3 brand new extensions were just released, waiting for you to try them out!