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Blog postsThursday 09 September 2010 02:58
Second take on the eZ Community tour after the Oslo one, in Paris this time. Read on for more details !
Second opus du eZ Community Tour après Oslo, à Paris cette fois. Tous les détails ci-dessous !
Wednesday 08 September 2010 09:01
The Community Project, opening contribution to eZ Publish, is coming into existence. Many new things to build, and so many great things to achieve together. Read on and give your feedback, this is a key topic on which every Community member should react.
Tuesday 07 September 2010 04:00
Status of Bug #017129 (Validation fails with warnings and errors) has been set to Assigned by Carlos Revillo
New Bug - #017238: Disable /content/advancedsearch/ by Jean Voye
New Bug - #017237: Pagination breaks the design/layout when 3 or over is viewed by Jean Voye
New Bug - #017234: remove pinned topics that are there for long-forgotten reasons by Gaetano Giunta
Status of Bug #017214 (Access denied in Projects online editor) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #017214 (Access denied in Projects online editor) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #017214 (Access denied in Projects online editor) has been set to Confirmed by Nicolas Pastorino
Monday 06 September 2010 04:00
Status of Bug #017220 (Literal in header search front it's not very clear) has been set to Closed by Carlos Revillo
Status of Enhancement #017221 (Wording change required on has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #017221 (Wording change required on has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #017221 (Wording change required on has been set to Confirmed by Nicolas Pastorino
New Enhancement - #017221: Wording change required on by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #017220 (Literal in header search front it's not very clear) has been set to Assigned by Carlos Revillo
New Bug - #017220: Literal in header search front it's not very clear by Carlos Revillo
Status of Bug #015782 (Search results not properly displayed) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015782 (Search results not properly displayed) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
New Task - #017216: Add star rating on article by Matthieu Sévère
Monday 06 September 2010 11:17
Two weeks after the first beta of eZ Publish Fuji (4.4), the last development version is now available for you : BETA 2.
Saturday 04 September 2010 04:00
New Bug - #017214: Access denied in Projects online editor by Jérôme Vieilledent
Friday 03 September 2010 04:00
New Bug - #017209: caching problems on by Gaetano Giunta
Thursday 02 September 2010 04:00
Thursday 02 September 2010 09:58
We gathered yesterday evening on skype for a tad more than one hour. Here is what happened, read on.
Wednesday 01 September 2010 04:00