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Blog postsFriday 19 August 2011 05:53
In this post I will show how to create the minimum content action extension.
Friday 19 August 2011 05:30
In this post I will show how to create and setup the minimum workflow event extension.
Friday 19 August 2011 12:52
So I'm trying to debug a site which has ajax calls to a module that serves xml. Of course the debug output appended to the xml breaks it. I've had this problem before but I never bothered looking closer at it until now.
Thursday 18 August 2011 03:33
In this post I will show an easy way to make eZ publish communicate with javascript.
Thursday 18 August 2011 10:10
Here are the minutes of the 9th Community Project Board meeting. Our previous minutes can be found here.
Thursday 18 August 2011 09:22
For a customer i had to find the objects (out of hundreds) that had an attribute filled out, I figured an attribute filter would be the easiest:
Wednesday 10 August 2011 04:30
I am happy to announce a new updated version of the eZ Tika extension. This is actually a "helper" extension for indexing a large variety of binary file types, including pdf, MsWord, Powerpoint, iWork , ....
Check out the project page for downloads, source code and docs:
Thursday 04 August 2011 12:58
This topic was actually my presentation on eZ Conference in London but due to very short time available and very broad subject I was not able to present everything I wanted. So lets try again, but with a blog post :)
Saturday 30 July 2011 02:56
Leading or Managing a professional, vendor-backed open-source community does not present the exact same characteristics as leading a community-driven project. While the basics remain, unique characteristics arise that need to be addressed diligently for successful results. Here is my 2 short cents on the subject.
Saturday 30 July 2011 06:21
We have corrected all the bugs.