Friday 19 August 2011 5:53:00 am - 3 replies


In this post I will show how to create the minimum content action extension.

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Geoff Bentley

Saturday 20 August 2011 3:47:13 am

Great tips Thiago!  My only suggestion would be that, in order for your tips to be helpful to a range of developers (ie, from beginners to intermediates), it would be useful to provide a brief intro to the topic and a use-case, with a link to further documentation.

e.g "The 'content/action' view is commonly used to process forms - while eZ Publish does a lot of validation, you may want to customise this."

Keep up the good work!

Thiago Campos Viana

Sunday 21 August 2011 5:27:37 pm


Great tips Thiago!  My only suggestion would be that, in order for your tips to be helpful to a range of developers (ie, from beginners to intermediates), it would be useful to provide a brief intro to the topic and a use-case, with a link to further documentation.

e.g "The 'content/action' view is commonly used to process forms - while eZ Publish does a lot of validation, you may want to customise this."

Keep up the good work!


Oh sorry, I make it quick and forgot to put a sample link, thank you!

eZ Publish Certified Developer:


Franck Grenier

Wednesday 24 August 2011 8:14:56 am

thanks for the tip. However, ContentActionHandlers do not execute on each action. (for example, "actioncollectinformation" ).

You can have a look at the awful action.php view in kernel/content/ to know if your action will fire the ContentActionHandler.

Developer at Open Wide

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