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Blog postsFriday 17 December 2010 03:04
A little note to the whole eZ Community : you rock, keep-up and let's look ahead on 2011 !
Friday 10 December 2010 06:28
The excellent tutorial An Introduction to Developing eZ Publish Extensions, by Felix Woldt has just been updated to be compatible with the latest versions of eZ Publish (v4.x).
Thursday 09 December 2010 02:26
As you may have noticed, since August this year the @ezcommunity Twitter account was not relaying updates of new Tutorials, Blog posts and Forum topics anymore, due to Twitter not allowing Basic authentication anymore.
Wednesday 08 December 2010 04:00
New Bug - #017739: Restore addThis toolbar on all content pages by Nicolas Pastorino
Wednesday 08 December 2010 11:14
Here are our bi-weekly meeting minutes. Our big success of the previous two weeks was a successful upgrade of, and our focus for the next two weeks will be on the participation model document. Our previous meeting minutes can be found here.
Wednesday 08 December 2010 10:03
As you may already know, we recently got in touch with 3 seasoned researchers (Robin, Paul and Bjørn-Tore) willing to collaborate with us long-term.
Monday 06 December 2010 07:10
As announced here, is now running eZ Publish Fuji (4.4). Here is the small story, read on !
Thursday 02 December 2010 08:59
The Community Day is the type of live events long-awaited by the Community : an opportunity to get together for real, put faces on nicknames, go beyond the normally virtual exchanges in forums, tutorials, blogs, IRC, twitter. Read on a bit to see what is coming up in January.
Thursday 02 December 2010 02:15
Continuation of my thoughts on logout handlers.
Wednesday 01 December 2010 04:00
Status of Bug #017708 (Latest subversion log messages missing) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #017708 (Latest subversion log messages missing) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #017708 (Latest subversion log messages missing) has been set to Confirmed by Nicolas Pastorino
New Bug - #017708: Latest subversion log messages missing by Arne Bakkebø
Status of Bug #017705 (Online editor dead) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #017705 (Online editor dead) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #017705 (Online editor dead) has been set to Confirmed by Nicolas Pastorino
New Bug - #017706: projects rss feed seems to list all content objects not only projects by Damien Pobel
New Bug - #017705: Online editor dead by Jérôme Vieilledent