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Blog postsThursday 10 March 2011 06:40
Here are the minutes of the Community Project Board's third meeting (see the second's)
Thursday 10 March 2011 06:21
Here are the minutes of the Community Project Board's second meeting.
Friday 04 March 2011 01:09
Here are the meeting minutes from the last Share Team meeting held on February the 28th. Current focus of the team is on finishing the RFC Participation model, upgrading itself, and discussing a Job Board.
Friday 04 March 2011 07:13
This is a checklist of actions for an update of an eZ Publish website. Comments/contributions are welcome.
Tuesday 01 March 2011 06:16
The amount of memory used by the application to render a single page is an important metric to be taken into account when sizing webservers to cope with the desired amount of traffic. In this installment, we explore memory usage by eZ Publish, in the context of a "webservice" page, ie. a page rendering a very simple piece of text in json format. We focus on an aspect outside control of the developer: php files with class definitions.
Monday 28 February 2011 08:30
Greetings all, about three months ago a team of researchers came to me wanting to learn more about the community and we posted a survey asking you about how we can make the eZ Community the killer community.
Thursday 24 February 2011 12:31
Here is the first poll from the eZ Publish Community Project Board. It concerns the release policy of eZ Publish Community Project. Read on for details.
Tuesday 22 February 2011 12:23
eZ Publish Community Project Matterhorn (4.5) is now available in its first beta release.
Tuesday 22 February 2011 06:11
Nearing eZ Publish 4.5's release, a new process for Localizing/Translating is set-up. Also, come-by to polish your preferred translation before mid-March !
Friday 18 February 2011 02:23
A little longer than usual after our previous meeting, here is our Valentine's day team meeting minutes. Read on !