Forums / Suggestions / Toolbar Overhaul Needed

Toolbar Overhaul Needed

Author Message

Alex Jones

Friday 27 August 2004 10:38:28 am

For the first time, I am working on a site that uses toolbars, and I must say that I am getting more frustrated by the hour. While the functionality and concept are great, the implementation from a front-end/design standpoint needs fundamental change. Markup should not be placed in the actual function, it should be left entirely to the developer to define. At the moment, I am stuck in an odd spot, I have to make a decision:
1. Use the current implementation which will
- force me to change my valid and clean markup
- slow down future redesigns and design tweaks as well as code maintenance
- slow page download due to unneeded markup (for every page on the site, as it won't cache client-side)
- increase bandwidth usage (again, for every page of the site)

2. Hack eztemplatetoolbarfunction.php which will
- complicate further upgrades
- confuse/frustrate future developers (possible even me) down the line, as it isn't a common change

3. Not use the toolbars at all
- cuts down on control from the admin site
- require that a developer make changes when new pieces need to be added to a toolbar
- just have to re-instate the code when/if this is fixed in the future

Please please please fix this. Control over output is one the most important aspects of eZ publish, and the entire reason that you have set up such a great template structure. There is no valid reason for this aspect of the system to not be consistent in its usage of templates.

I have already reported a bug: and I do consider this a bug, because the system doesn't work the way it should when compared to the rest of eZ publish.

<i>[Added] There appears to be another thread addressing this as well:</i>

eZ publish is a great system, that works beautifully for the most part, which is what makes situations like this all the more frustrating.

Thank you,

[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>