Forums / Setup & design / Wierd problem with siteaccess!

Wierd problem with siteaccess!

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David Barker

Tuesday 29 July 2003 4:12:30 pm

I've looked at a previous post about a problem with their siteaccess but it doesn't solve the problem for me...

I created an 'Info Page' which is accessable without being logged in. Then I thought I would make my own class which is exaclty the same as the 'Info Page' class, but doesn't have the title field shown on the page (I made a new class and template - called it a 'General Page') and I could see the page I'd made with it when I was logged in.

However, if I'm not logged in, it says I do not have permission to read the page I just created and that I should log in.

I thought perhaps it was a problem in general, so I made another Info Page and tested it and that works fine!!

So why does it tell me I need to be logged in if I want to see content from a class I've created myself??


Bjørn Kaarstein

Wednesday 30 July 2003 2:52:34 am

Have you given correct rights to your anonymous user?

Regards Bjørn

David Barker

Wednesday 30 July 2003 4:14:28 am

I went into the User tab and then Roles. I edited the role 'Read' for 'Anonymous' and added my class to the list but it still gave me the same error :(


Bjørn Kaarstein

Wednesday 30 July 2003 5:00:06 am

I assume that you have RequiredUserLogin=false in your siteaccesss. If you are using sections, you must grant your anonymous user rights to read the section aswell as the class...

That's pretty much all I can come up with.

Good luck.


David Barker

Wednesday 30 July 2003 5:42:05 am

Yep, that is set to false, and the section is section 1 of the demo (the standard site section). When I put Info Pages in this section it doesn't require login so I'm sure the anonymous user has read access to this section. Just confusing as to why my class needs to have the user logged in even after I've set permissions! Wierd...


Bjørn Kaarstein

Wednesday 30 July 2003 6:09:13 am

If you try to give your anonymous user all rights * * *, like admin, will your content show? If this works, you can start restricting rights and find where the problem is...


David Barker

Wednesday 30 July 2003 1:31:16 pm

I just allowed anonymous users to read all content by choosing 'Any' for the class but it still tells me I need to login - even when I clear the cache :(
