Wednesday 05 July 2006 1:37:27 am
I have some major problems with a site I am developping. Until yesterday everything worked fine, but now suddenly users are asked to log in. Even when logged in the following error is shown
Access denied you don't have access to this area. Possible reasons for this are:
You are currently not logged in to the site, to get proper access create a new user or login with an existing user. You misspelled some parts of your URL, try changing it. I have tried what I could find on the forum, ut still the same. even logging in as admin results in that error. The admin part of the site works fine and another site on the same server works fine too. I have not modified any templates/overrirdes. I installed phpEdit after which the site still worked and I used phpEdit's ftp to browse the site without opening a template.
Any idea what might be wrong? Thanks Michael