Forums / Setup & design / Content structure for the site

Content structure for the site

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Andrey Astakhov

Wednesday 05 July 2006 7:08:30 am

Hi, All, i'm newbie in eZ Publish, so could you give me advices please how should i organize my content.

I have 3 content parts.

1 Banking products
F.e.: "Credits", "Deposits" etc
Each banking product could contain a lot of publications: "News", "Articles", "Ratings", "Tariffes".

So i have the rectangular matrix: banking products * publications.

I need to make menu with a link to each element of this matrix: f.e.: such elements like "Credits / News" or "Deposits / Ratings".
Each publication should have a topic (category).

2 Nota bene (various things)
- Articles (categorized)
- Forums
- Tools (credit calculator etc)
- RSS channels

3 Simple pages.

I created content classes for all publications but i don't know yet how to nake common structure.
Could you advise me:
Should i create folders for banking products: "Credits", "Deposits" or should i create additional content classes "Credits", "Deposits" or ...? How should i make topics (categories)? Should i use Sections?

Thank you in advance for any comments.

Christian Johansen

Wednesday 05 July 2006 7:14:13 am

Whether to just use folders or custom classes to store your "outer" structure is up to you and what you want to do. I usually just use folders for simple content, and for more specialized content where I either want to define the types differently or see future possibilities I create new classes as containers.

Generally I prefer creating classes for most of my distinct content types instead of cramming alot of different content into one loosely defined "article" class or whatever. It's a matter of taste I think. When you have many different classes you usually get by with less sections, atleast for creating the design.

Sections you use as you need them. If you need to restrict an area for a given group of users, you can create a section to hold it. If you want to customize the look of some nodes and make them distinct from other nodes of the same class, you create a section for the part that needs special treatment.

Evgeniy K

Wednesday 05 July 2006 7:56:03 am

<i>Should i create folders for banking products: "Credits", "Deposits" or should i create additional content classes "Credits", "Deposits" or ...?</i>
Folders, no classes, imho.
<i>How should i make topics (categories)? Should i use Sections?</i>
Topics and categories are not the same.
Andre, it seems to me, your surname is Russian, and if you speak Russian - you can email me jackyk at your ICQ number . May be I'll can explain you.

Andrey Astakhov

Wednesday 05 July 2006 1:36:45 pm

<i>Folders, no classes, imho.</i>
Assuming i create such <b>folder</b> structure:
--+ Banking products
-- Credits
-- Deposits
--+ Nota bene
--+ Other Pages

Is i possible to allow site editors create in the "Credits" folder only specific class instances: "News", "Ratings" and in the "Nota bene" folder only "Nota bene article"?

I mean may i define which class instances available for a given folder?