Forums / Setup & design / Seeking Help to learn templates for my site

Seeking Help to learn templates for my site

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Chirag P

Saturday 29 March 2008 6:51:47 pm


I am myself an ASP .NET developer but I like ez Publish System Design/Architecture and want to use it for setting up one website. I have understood ez Publish to some extent and trying to learn it more to leverage its templating system at best.
I have already installed ezpublish 4.0 with Apache 2.2 and MySQL 5.1 on my windows xp.
It works fine. I could try some static stuff.

SO, I request somebody to walk me through setting up this site in ez publish using templating.

Here are the requirements.

I need to create a business listing web site.
1)The customer will create a normal user account add his business. He will list his business under given business services like Accountants, Web Design, Beauty, Healthcare etc...

2)So, apart from the selection of services, business will have normal data like business title, description, experience, achievements, location, logo, photographs etc...

3)Ok. Now the main functionality for the end user. He can see a list of services in the left pane of the web site. On click of any service, he will see a list of businesses providing that service(we need paging here). Once clicked on one of the business link, the user will see the business details page which will show complete business public information.

So, what I don't understand is approaching this with templates. What is good way to make template and learn template syntax? How should model my sections? Here I'm dealing with 2 mains data i.e. services and businesses.

So, any ez Publish geek? Could you please help me? I'm just trying out my hands on ez Publish but I'm ready to pay(consider like tution fees from a student!) for this if you are giving me good education on this.


André R.

Sunday 30 March 2008 3:59:56 pm

I highly recommend walking true this tutorial:

And when you are done, look on the links in the comments!

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