Forums / Setup & design / Problem while loging in admin interface throw user login

Problem while loging in admin interface throw user login

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Danilo Shiga

Friday 28 March 2008 12:53:58 pm

My problem is, when I want to login throw login interface in the public area of the website I just got redirected to the home page, still logged out, while if I don't choose to login in the Administration Interface, the login goes fine, so do happens if I go directly to the admin page and try to login throw there...

Therefore, looks like something goes wrong when I check the option "Log in to the eZ Publish Administration Interface" in the login page

I haven't overrided the template related with the login

Any help could help

André R.

Saturday 29 March 2008 3:15:48 am

If you take a look in the user/login.tpl file, you'll see that the url value is taken from ini file ( {ezini( 'SiteSettings', 'AdditionalLoginFormActionURL' )} ). So look for that value in your site.ini file in you siteaccess~: settings/siteaccess/<your_site(s)>/site.ini.append.php


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Danilo Shiga

Sunday 30 March 2008 10:00:25 pm

it's pointing to the login page in the admin siteacess, I changed it in some ways but this don't worked out...