Forums / Setup & design / Problem following the "" example...

Problem following the "" example...

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Christopher Thorjussen

Saturday 24 May 2003 5:11:12 pm

I've just set up ezPub3 (ezP newbie) and I'm trying to follow the example from the SDK -

For instance - i've added a book as the example - and book is shown in the line_class_6.tpl override template, but above the listing, I get:



Navn Klasse Seksjon
<here goes the book info from the db>

It looks like it's wrapped into some sort of adminlayout or atleast it's too much information - and it is coming from: {$module_result.content} function.. I grabbed a screenshoot - look here:

I don't think I'm wrong in saying that the SDK isn't up to date... I had to make more changes to site.ini files than the sdk told me to, to get where I am now - which isn't very far.. and not to forget changing some user roles for anonymous user to read..

Paul Borgermans

Sunday 25 May 2003 4:13:55 am

I think your new objects did not get assigned the right section and hence pick up the default template. Look in the admin interface and make sure it has the right sectoin. If this does not help, are you sure the pagelayout_section_xx.tpl is in the right directory and exists after all?

See also:



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