Thursday 12 February 2004 4:52:38 pm
Hi, We use the translation files ( .ts ) to do the trick :
{let myvar='our_siteaccess_name_translation'|i18n('our_site_name/menu') }
<a href={$myvar|ezroot} >'our_language_title_translation'|i18n('our_site_name/menu')</a> {/let}
$myvar will be 'eng', and 'it' respectively, the language title translations will be "English", Italian so, we added two new translations to our .ts files one for the siteacces name, the second one for the language name itself the first one is piped into ezroot operator to create the URL of the siteaccess to switch to the trick is putting the 'wrong' translation in each .ts file i.e : In the .ts file for english you should add the italian lines, one for the siteacces name (it) the other one for the language name itself (i.e: Italiano), and viceversa Hope this help