Forums / Setup & design / notification problems

notification problems

Author Message

Frode Marton Meling

Wednesday 11 February 2004 2:26:04 am

I have following setup:
- Windows 2003 server standard
- eZ Publish 3.3-3 (installer version)
- Windows 2000 server with MS Exchange server

I try to use our Exchange server for notification. Everything seems to be correct in eZ publish settings:

I changed these settings:

# The address which will be set at the sender of the e-mail as default

When I the add notification to a user and change for instance an article, and then run the runcronjobs.php : php -C runcronjobs.php -s mysite -d
The debug then dumps:

Timing: ()
Script cronjobs/notification.php starting

Warning: (PHP)
Undefined offset: 6 in C:\eZ\ezpublish\kernel\classes\notification\handler\ezsubtree\ezsubtreehandler.php on line 201

Warning: (PHP)
Undefined index: use_digest in C:\eZ\ezpublish\kernel\classes\notification\handler\ezsubtree\ezsubtreehandler.php on line 207

Error: (eZINI)
Undefined group: 'TransportSettings'

Error: (eZSMTPTransport::sendMail())
Error sending SMTP mail: 5.5.2 Need Mail From: first

Timing: ()
Script cronjobs/notification.php done

Any Ideas any1?


Frode Marton Meling

Thursday 12 February 2004 6:56:29 am

If you look in: kernel\classes\notification\eznotificationtransport.php

you will find the following from line 55:
function &instance( $transport = false, $forceNewInstance = false )
$ini =& eZINI::instance( 'notification.ini' );
if ( $transport == false )
$transport = $ini->variable( 'TransportSettings', 'DefaultTransport' );
As you can see it refereres to TransportSettings. It does not exist in any notification.ini.

Maybe it has nothing to do with the error?

Here is updated error messages from my cronjob:
Timing: ()
Script cronjobs/notification.php starting

Warning: (PHP)
Undefined offset: 6 in C:\eZ\ezpublish\kernel\classes\notification\handler\ezsu
btree\ezsubtreehandler.php on line 201

Error: (eZINI)
Undefined group: 'TransportSettings'

Error: (eZMailNotificationTransport::send())
Error with receiver

Warning: (PHP)
Undefined offset: 6 in C:\eZ\ezpublish\kernel\classes\notification\handler\ezsu
btree\ezsubtreehandler.php on line 201

Same settings as in last post.
