Forums / Setup & design / Left menu with ViewCaching=true

Left menu with ViewCaching=true

Author Message

Paulo Almeida

Saturday 29 March 2003 10:23:21 am


My left_menu.tpl (in the bottom), that i include in pagelayout.tpl, creates an menu with diferent <div> if the section of each node is the same of the actually show node. This executes well if ViewCaching=false. If true give same <div> for all nodes.
Can anyone help me? ViewCaching true is much speedy, so i want try to get a solution without turning it to false, and without making a left_menu static, is it possible?

Thank in advance

Paulo Almeida


{let children=fetch('content','list',hash(parent_node_id,40))}

{* loop children and print name with link *}
{section name=Child loop=$children}
{switch name=sw match=$Child:item.object.section_id}

{case match=$node.object.section_id}
<div class="menuon">
<div class="menuoff">
<a href={$Child:item.url_alias|ezurl}>{$}</a>


PACPI.COM Internet Consulting

Paulo Almeida

Saturday 29 March 2003 7:19:33 pm

Well i found the solution by myself.
1º the script doesn't worked because with ViewCaching=true the variable $node doesn't exist

2º i can get section_id in variable $module_result, so i don't need $node anymore

3º i found a better way to implement like this:

{let children=fetch('content','list',hash(parent_node_id,40))}
{section name=Child loop=$children}
<div class="menu{cond($module_result.section_id|eq($Child:item.object.section_id),"on","off")}">
<a href={$Child:item.url_alias|ezurl}>{$}</a>

Paulo Almeida

PACPI.COM Internet Consulting

Tony Wood

Sunday 30 March 2003 11:32:04 pm


You can also use $DesignKeys:used.node To view all DesignKeys use this in the body of your document {$DesignKeys:used|attribute(show, 1)} to show all the variables available.

I hope this helps


Tony Wood :
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Paulo Almeida

Monday 31 March 2003 9:22:36 am


$DesignKeys:used.node is the id, with this i need to fetch the node to get section_id. With $module_result.section_id, is "direct".

Paulo Almeida

PACPI.COM Internet Consulting

Mads Buus Jensen

Thursday 12 June 2003 7:40:32 am


I've solved it using a big
{let node=fetch('content','node',hash(node_id,$DesignKeys:used.node)) }


around my whole pagelayout.tpl

Mads Buus Jensen