Saturday 29 March 2003 4:19:51 am
It is impossible to activate the user-tab in the admin console. Thus, you cannot access functions like role customization via the ezp3 admin UI. The reason for this is the incorrect use of eznavigationpart-flags in the admin-template. When you press the tab link to browse the user listing, you actually request a listing of content objects and make ezp choose the ez-content-navigationpart-flag. There has to be done something about it. For the time being, you may help yourself by placing the following code snippet somewhere in your /kernel/content/module.php:
$ViewList["user"] = array(
"functions" => array( 'read' ),
"default_navigation_part" => 'ezusernavigationpart',
"script" => "view.php",
"params" => array( "ViewMode", "NodeID", "LanguageCode" ),
"unordered_params" => array( "language" => "Language",
"offset" => "Offset" ) ); This opens the possibility to navigate URLs of the type /content/user/node_id, using the view-module function as in normal content/view/... operations, but with the difference that the chosen navigation part points to users and not to ordinary content objects. In addition to the code enhancement described above, you have to edit two admin-templates, i.e. /design/admin/templates/parts/user/menu.tpl and /design/admin/templates/pagelayout.tpl.
Replace the odd URL /content/view/full/5/ in both files with the new one /content/user/full/5/. You are done.