Forums / Setup & design / javascript in articles , phppgads , banners

javascript in articles , phppgads , banners

Author Message

Andre Felipe Machado

Monday 27 December 2004 6:07:28 am

I am trying to insert javascript in articles of ezpublish 3.5.0, or templates of news and other selected pages.
I have a phppgads working install (a phpadsnew postgresql port).
By reading docs and forums, tried some alternatives, without success.
did not work as well.
I found the phpadsnew extension, but the dump is different from phppgads and many old pages will have to remain for a while (or forever..) with the previous phppgads calls.
I tried < html > , { html } < div >, { literal} , < literal > tags but ez always removed them or only displayed the code.
What is the reasonable approach to use phppgads (phpadsnew) banners in ezpublish? The extension is the only way to go? There is a phppgads extension?
Please, point some url with aditional documentation, howto.
Andre Felipe

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