Friday 25 July 2008 4:59:38 am
We have a selection datatype (identifier 'finansieringsform') with four options: stipendiat, privatist, dba, erhvervsphd). These four options we need in Danish (as they are in the class in the admin interface) and in English. In order to translate static text, e.g. translate 'Stipendiat' to 'Research fellow'
works fine after adding the following to the translation.ts in /var/www/ezpublish/share/translations/dan-DK/
<translation>Research fellow</translation>
The question is how to translate input from a selection type. We have tried every variation we could think of like
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.finansieringsform|i18n('finansieringsform')}
but nothing works.
Another problem:
with the simple translation of static text, the text is translated, but the Danish 'Stipendiat' is shown in the English version and the 'research fellow' is shown in the Danish version..... (our language setting is Danish as primary language and English as secondary language). Any ideas ?