Forums / Setup & design / how to register a new user

how to register a new user

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Rosa Prisciandaro

Saturday 03 June 2006 6:23:26 am

In the site I am developing i need the user to be registered to permit him to download specified files (pdf documents) . I have included a user_login.tpl file in my pagelayout that contains the login button for the already logged users and the register button for new users. In my template i' ve written something like this:
{section show=eq($current_user.contentobject_id,$anonymous_user_id)} {section show=eq($module_result.uri|extract_left(14),'/user/register')}

{section show=eq($module_result.uri|extract_left(13),'/user/success')}
{include uri="design:user_login.tpl"}

{section else} files.....
For the login page everything goes ok, but when I click on the register button, my register.tpl (that is in the /templates/user folder ) comes out in a ez-publish default page and not in the pagelayout i came from . What's wrong?

Thanks for any answer, Rosa