Forums / Setup & design / Help - I deleted the Users class group

Help - I deleted the Users class group

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Paul Brandt

Sunday 04 June 2006 8:25:24 am

Stupid? Yes. I must have fallen asleep while pushing buttons.

What did I do: in the admin view, in the setup section I entered the <i>class</i> part. I then deleted from the class group list the <i>Users</i> group with all its content.

What will be the consequences and what is there to be done about it?

thanks in advance,

Kristof Coomans

Monday 05 June 2006 12:15:51 am

Hi Paul

I guess all your user and user group objects have been deleted too.

I would recommend to restore a database backup.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Paul Brandt

Monday 05 June 2006 5:49:51 am

Hi Kristof e.a.,

Since I am in the process of installing the system, I only had an admin user configured. For some reason the admin user has not been deleted. Furthermore I don't have a backup yet, so there is nothing to restore. I do have some content already, so I'm not too enthusiastic to fully re-install it.

In the admin view, <b>Setup tab</b>, I recreated a <i>Users [Class group]</i> group. Obviously, this class group is empty. It was my intention to add to this newly recreated class group the various user classes that came with the default installation. However, these have been deleted as well and I presume have to be recreated as well. First: I'm not sure what to add here. Second: what I add here should be considered new items that don't have any relation whatsoever with the hooks that were already part of the core system. Hence, what else do I have to recreate?

In the admin view, the <b>User Accounts tab</b> now presents 4 subitems: <i>Anonymous Users</i>, <i>Editors</i>, <i>Administrative Users</i> and the <i>Guest Accounts</i>. I presume nothing has changed here, but what's the relation to the classes that have been deleted? Why are these items still here? Further down, there are no related objects, related roles and available policies whatsoever. Not can I create somthing here since the pull down list is empty.

In conclusion, I presume the system is out of balance now with objects without related classes and relations pointing to thin air. My main question is whether the system can be fixed to its original state or not. And if so, would it still be more efficient to take my loss and start all over again?

Thanks in advance

Kristof Coomans

Monday 05 June 2006 6:18:45 am

It's rather strange that the user group objects and user objects are still there.

What do you get when accessing /class/view/3 and /class/view/4 ? Normally you should see the user group and user class. If they are still there, then you can add them to your users class group again. Also change this setting in content.ini.append:


Replace 2 with the id of your new users class group.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Paul Brandt

Monday 05 June 2006 7:14:20 am

Indeed these were still existent.

Hence I both added them to the recreated class group and changed the content.ini.append accordingly to refer to the recreated class group ID (both in de "settings/siteaccess/site" as well as the "settings/siteaccess/site_admin" folders).

Will this be sufficient?

thanks for your advice.

Kristof Coomans

Monday 05 June 2006 9:04:14 am

I think it will be sufficient, yes. But I didn't try it myself, so I can't give you any garantees.

Good luck!

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |