Forums / Setup & design / forum class does not exists in version 3.3.1 stable?!?!?!

forum class does not exists in version 3.3.1 stable?!?!?!

Author Message

Alessandro Cipriani

Tuesday 27 January 2004 1:31:25 am

hi all
i'm creating my own site and now it's the time to add a forum to it. i remember that, with the previous versions, i simply had to select the forum template class from the combo box (it was like to select between a info_page, folder, ecc...)
now i am not able to do it! there's no possibility to add a pre-existent forum (o forum-topic) to my site!! why? i saw that in the forum example site all the classes exist... should i copy all the classes and template in my site? ...

James Packham

Tuesday 27 January 2004 8:12:52 am

Either your user doesn't have the appropiate permissions set to their role, or you've inadvertantly deleted the class because it's included in my version!



Alessandro Cipriani

Wednesday 04 February 2004 3:16:10 am

i checked my version and reinstalled it, but i don't see any forum class... and i enter the admin section as administrator!!!

any hint?

Alessandro Cipriani

Wednesday 11 February 2004 1:15:17 am

i installed the same version on 3 computers and i don't see any forum class in the combo box listing the object i can create! why?

thanx a lot

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 11 February 2004 1:25:58 am

You can always add your own. Goto the forum demo site:

and browse to setup/classes. you will find the forum classes there. you can view the classes you need and add them manually to your site. the forum template files shoud be in your design directory, so use as needed.

since eZ 3.2 packages are used to install each demo site. therefore the classes you get depends on which package you installed. if you didn't install the forum package you wont have those classes.


Alessandro Cipriani

Wednesday 11 February 2004 2:00:02 am

thank you paul
but i re-installed on one of the 3 computers the entire ezPublish version (with all packages) and I still can retrieve the forum (forum topic, forum reply) class only in the forum package. my own site "overrides" the corporate template and from it is impossible to get the forum class.
i'll do as you suggested, creating a new forum class copying from the original built-in forum class in the forum package, but it sounds quite strange to need to re-create an already existent class (for example i didn't need to re-create the article class...)

thank you

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 11 February 2004 2:48:02 am

I think we need to clarify matters here.

Can you say if your admin interface shows the forum classes. click setup, then classes, then content to see if they are there. If they do exist, can you create a new forum within the admin interface? If they don't, add them.

Are you speaking about problems with your user site - not the admin?


Alessandro Cipriani

Wednesday 11 February 2004 2:55:31 am

hi paul
i'm speaking about the admin interface.
i just installed ezpublish, and i have the original corporate site.
i enter the administration section and i don't see the forum class in setup/classes/content. they don't exist

best regards

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 11 February 2004 3:56:41 am

thanks, that clears it up for me.

you do need to add the classes manaully. also, you may need to add the forum templates to your admin and to your user site. overrides from settings/siteaccess may also be needed. it is a chore :(

does this help you?
