Sunday 19 October 2008 4:13:54 pm
I use a pagelayout_xml.tpl with just the line: {$module_result.content} and in layout.ini.append.php:
For a specific xml output I use a template override for specific node with following code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
{def $banners= fetch(content, list, hash(parent_node_id, $node.node_id ))}
{foreach $banners as $banner}
<item picNews={$banner.data_map.image.content[flash_news].url|ezroot('double','full')} titleNews="{$|ezwash()}" infoNews="{$banner.data_map.intro.content|ezwash()}" linkNews={$|ezurl()}></item>
I've made some test in a site that uses this templates/settings and all is working OK (even with all caches enabled). Will check if the problem in the production site is related with the flash file (another file than the one I've tested), browser cache, or something else... Anyway thanks for the comments, it's good to know how you make it in these cases...
eZ Partner in Madrid (Spain)