Wednesday 27 May 2009 8:08:21 am
The basic idea is to override a specific node's folder template and implement a sort_order parameter, then include the default folder code ie. {include uri="design:full/folder.tpl}. This way I don't have to duplicate the full folder template for small code changes. btw, my overridden folder.tpl is in "design/sitedesign/override/templates/full/folder.tpl (and works great if called as a folder directly). A bit more specific, the override.ini.append.php has this entry:
And I have a template the rule matched above, the rule is working and pulling the right template, events_folder.tpl which is basically this:
{include uri="design:/full/folder.tpl"}
I keep getting:
Warning: eZTemplate May 27 2009 15:05:32 No template could be loaded for "full/folder.tpl" using resource "design" I've tried many variations of the path starting from /design right down to trying to call folder.tpl with no path. I've also tried using "full/folder.tpl"|ezdesign('no') and various paths with no luck. I'm wondering if the override is overriding the overridden folder.tpl? Say that 10 times fast!
Any help is appreciated M Unicorn.