Forums / Setup & design / Flash in template

Flash in template

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Dan Mansfield

Saturday 17 January 2009 3:12:23 am

I have expanded my front page class to include a Billboard_Flash media attribute and I'm having a problem displaying the Flash applet within the template.
I have fixed the Content -Disposition bug so that I can see the flash file in the Admin but I cannot see it when viewing the page normally.

Is there a simpler way of displaying flash files in a template other than using my code here:

 <div class="bigflash">           
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0"
width="{$node.object.data_map.billboard_flash.content.width}" height="{$node.object.data_map.billboard_flash.content.height}">
<param name="movie" value={$node.object.data_map.billboard_flash.content.filepath|ezurl} />
<param name="quality" value="{$node.object.data_map.billboard_flash.content.quality}" />
<param name="play" value="{section show=$node.object.data_map.billboard_flash.content.is_autoplay}true{/section}" />
<param name="loop" value="{section show=$node.object.data_map.billboard_flash.content.is_loop}true{/section}" />
<embed src={$node.object.data_map.billboard_flash.content.filepath|ezurl} />

the error I get is movie not loaded when I mouseover where the applet should appear. if you want to have a look.

Steven E. Bailey

Saturday 17 January 2009 7:16:44 am

I get this for the first one - which I guess means it's not a valid object:
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="" height="">
<param name="movie" value="/global/eng" />
<embed src="/global/eng" />

And, for the second object:
<param name="movie" value="/global/eng/var/ezwebin_site/storage/original/application/6a763c4776a06dc9e44069bcf27d2501.swf">
<embed src="/global/eng/var/ezwebin_site/storage/original/application/6a763c4776a06dc9e44069bcf27d2501.swf">

Your swf file is not at that location - you would have to drop the ezurl to get rid of the prepending of the siteaccess... but I did that and you still don't have the swf file there - it should be in your storage directory which is set by the filesettings vardir variable in your ini file. as in <vardir>/storage/original/application/6a763c4776a06dc9e44069bcf27d2501.swf you might want to check that it is there. If it's not... then why not? Did you add ezwebin after uploading the content?

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Dan Mansfield

Saturday 17 January 2009 7:29:57 am

That is what is bizarre, I also did that and found that I couldn't reference the object directly through its url. But if I shell into the server and look in that folder it is sitting there?!
I'm checking through the permissions at the moment to see if that is where the issue lies.

The permissions look fine. I've dropped the ezurl to remove the siteaccess as you suggest.
Something very strange is going on.

Dan Mansfield

Saturday 17 January 2009 8:41:42 am

also tried copying to the root folder /global and trying the url in the browser from there and it wouldn't find the file. Is it recognising that it is a swf file and trying to process it accordingly and then failing somewhere?

This was a default install of 4.0.1 and it also has the latest ezComponents installed too.

Dan Mansfield

Saturday 17 January 2009 10:36:26 am

Thanks for your help. I rewrote my class and just had an xml block and then inserted the flash object instead.