Forums / Setup & design / fetch attributes in shop basket

fetch attributes in shop basket

Author Message

Martin Ulrich

Thursday 14 October 2004 5:16:30 am

I do a travel site. My travel tours (class product) were illustrated with little images and a description.

Is it possible to fetch description/image etc. in basket.tpl? (I try but did'nt find out how).

{$product_item.object_name} gives the name, but {$product_item.description} naturally not.

something like
attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.description} that works in basket.tpl

Or is it more complicated, and I have to create a new datatype?

Thank you very much for giving me a little hint.
(swear I learn programming in next life ;-)

_______________________ ARTENIC - Publishing mit allen Mitteln!

Alex Jones

Thursday 14 October 2004 6:45:31 am

I haven't used the basket much, so I do not know if this will work, but have you tried putting <i>{$product_item|attribute(show)}</i> to see what attributes are available?

[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Martin Ulrich

Friday 15 October 2004 3:24:41 am

Thank you, and good morning;-) Its a first step.

there is node_id and contentobject_id. Until know I wasnt able to write a code to show attributes, but I ll try on.
Again thanks.

<b>Attribute 	           Type 	Value</b>
id 	                   string 	151
vat_value 	           string 	16
item_count 	           string 	1
node_id 	           string 	181
object_name 	           string 	'Islandreise Nummer 1'
price_ex_vat 	           double 	379.31034482759
price_inc_vat 	           string 	440
discount_percent 	   string 	0
total_price_ex_vat 	   double 	379.31034482759
total_price_inc_vat 	   integer 	440
item_object 	           object[ezproductcollectionitem] 	Object
>id 	                   string 	151
>productcollection_id 	   string 	46
>contentobject_id 	   string 	186
>item_count 	           string 	1
>price 	                   string 	440
>is_vat_inc 	           string 	1
>vat_value 	           string 	16
>discount 	           string 	0
>contentobject 	           object[ezcontentobject] 	Object
>option_list 	           array 	Array(0)

_______________________ ARTENIC - Publishing mit allen Mitteln!

Alex Jones

Friday 15 October 2004 6:22:18 am

Perhaps you can run a fetch for <i>$product_item.node_id</i> to gather that information...?

[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>


Friday 15 October 2004 7:11:17 am

Try this to get the description in the basket:

{attribute_view_gui attribute=$product_item.item.item_object.contentobject.main_node.data_map.description}

------------------------------- &

Martin Ulrich

Friday 15 October 2004 10:20:23 am

cool, it works great, thank you !!!! everybody
and for images I write:

{attribute_view_gui attribute=$product_item.item.item_object.contentobject.main_node.data_map.image.content.data_map.image image_class=small}

found in meantime a solution with:

{let info_list=fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, $product_item.node_id, ...
{section name=infos loop=$info_list max=1}
<div>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$infos:item.parent.object.data_map.image.content.data_map.image image_class=small}

but yours is much better and short ;-O

thank you and good work

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