Forums / Setup & design / 3.5rc1 - Running Forum Notification Filter from Admin?

3.5rc1 - Running Forum Notification Filter from Admin?

Author Message

Paul Wilson

Monday 06 December 2004 5:15:22 am


Does anyone know how to "run the notification filter" in EZ 3.5rc1 (ie trigger notification events from Admin system)?

In EZ3.4 & earlier there was a "Notification" item under the Admin Site -> Setup tab. But this is no longer there - pubsvn changelog notes that it was obsolete and removed, but I can not see the new alternative.

Anyone got any ideas?


- Paul

Paul Wilson

Monday 06 December 2004 1:28:35 pm


Can run in web browser by going to ""

Could also create a link to run this in user/admin siteaccess if necessary.