Forums / Install & configuration / You do not have sufficient permissions to view this object

You do not have sufficient permissions to view this object

Author Message

Petter Neumann

Wednesday 30 November 2005 3:22:11 pm

I'm running ezp version 3.6.4 on suse 9.2. and has done a plain install of " corporate " If I create new images in the "media libary/media/images" folder and try to relate these images to an article

<embed href='ezobject://75' />

everything seems fine in the admin, but when looking at my site, I get the error

You do not have sufficient permissions to view this object

When using the admin and just creating an image, it displays just as normal. Where to correct the permissons so that I can display images from the "media libary/media/images" folder on my site ?

Brendan Pike

Wednesday 30 November 2005 6:25:11 pm

You probably just need to add permission to read objects located in the Media section to the applicable user group role. For example in anonymous you may want the role to look something like:
content read Section( Standard , Media , Forums , Links )

Also if you switch on the debug output view it should tell you what permissions are lacking.

We are always interested in hearing from experienced eZ PHP programmers and eZ template designers interested in contract work.

Gwenal Le Bihan

Wednesday 07 December 2005 9:08:56 am

I've read lots of thread about those roles and policies issues but still can't find any solutions for this :

I'm still having that problem : if i don't set this : content read Section( Standard , Media ) for the anonymous role, i have to log in if I want to view my file and if I do set the right policies, i have a time out... so no debug output possible...

it's the case for all urls that go like this ...../standard/media/files/.....

How can i then make a link inside an article to a pdf files for instance that was previously located in the media library...

Thanks to anyone who can help me!
