Forums / Install & configuration / Will EZpublish conflict?

Will EZpublish conflict?

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Derrick Penner

Wednesday 21 April 2004 6:57:56 am

I posted an earlier thread about dropping the port from EZ and instead making the url (compared to

The solution by Ole Morten Halvorsen was "Simply find your ezpublish.conf located in the apache_x.x.xx/conf (where x.x.xx is your apache version. This version may be different depending on which ezpublish version you downloaded.) and replace every occurence of 8085 with 80. (should be about 6 of them) Then restart apache by running

/opt/ezpublish/bin/ezpublish restart

I think the solution above will only drop off the port...which I want to do...but it won't give me the opportunity to forward the requests to I'm worried that EZpublish will conflict with my normal page if I use the solution above.

I want to make the url separate from my normal webpage so that normal port 80 requests go to The simple jist of it is that I want the blog to resolve itself as instead of the real question is, will the solution Mr. Halvorsen posted do this for me? Or will it conflict with my normal webpage?

Derrick Penner

Wednesday 21 April 2004 10:29:46 am

Well...I tried it and it doesn't conflict with my front web page on

Instead, it doesn't even run. Changed 8085 to 80 on my ezpublish.conf file and I now can't reach the page at all. So I switched it back. Still waiting on a fix for this.