Forums / Install & configuration / VirtualHost, multiple installations and RewriteRule

VirtualHost, multiple installations and RewriteRule

Author Message

Linh Vu

Monday 08 November 2004 9:36:24 pm

Hi everyone,

I have a site on a virtual dedicated hosting plan (RH9, Apache 2.0.40, ezP 3.4.2). Due to many reasons, I had to setup 4 different ezPublish installations on my site: http://mysite/site1, http://mysite/site2... Two weeks ago, everything worked just fine. Today I was notified by an user that everything after the initial page isn't working, and I found out that every URL of the type /index.php/something is returning an Object Not Found 404 error. I figure this should have something to do with the RewriteRule. The problem is I don't know what has been changed, or if anything has been changed at all. I'm the only one who has access to the server, and I didn't change anything. It could be the provider reinstaling Apache but while I'm waiting for them to get back to me, I guess I should try to learn a bit more about ezPublish.

This is my current VirtualHost setting in httpd.conf (the commented out RewriteRule is the one I've been testing with.

NameVirtualHost mysite:80
<VirtualHost mysite:80>
<Directory /home/myacc/mysite/html>
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All

#RewriteEngine On
#RewriteRule !(^/design|^/var/.*/storage|^/var/storage|^/var/.*/cache|^/var/cache|^/extension/.*/design|^/kernel/setup/packages|^/packages|^/share/icons).*\.(gif|css|jpg|png|jar|js|ico|pdf|swf)$ /index.php

ServerName mysite
DocumentRoot /home/myacc/mysite/html
SuexecUserGroup myacc myacc
ServerAdmin "myacc@mysite"
ScriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" "/home/myacc/mysite/cgi-bin/"
CustomLog "/home/myacc/mysite/access_log" "combined"
ErrorLog "/home/myacc/mysite/error_log"

I have 4 ezPublish installations in: http://mysite/site1, http://mysite/site2, http://mysite/site3, http://mysite/site4, and a phpBB installation in http://mysite/forums. site1, site2, site3, site4 and forums are all folders under /home/myacc/mysite/html

Appreciate any pointer :)


If I had more time, I would write less code.


Monday 15 November 2004 2:13:48 am

This is a known Problem....

you able ezurl_alias is fucked up. You need to fix that table by hand... this has nothing to do with apache or php

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Marco Zinn

Monday 15 November 2004 1:24:04 pm

Björn probably means "table"... And i think, he is right. Your problem sound like a problem with the "URL Alias" functionality (a function of ezPublish, not Apache).
Have a look at that "url_alias" Database table and see, if you find some "strange things". You should have approx. 1 table row per "node" (webpage), which does a translation from a "human-readable" URL to some internal IDs.

Björn said, that you must fix that manually, but i _think_, that there is a PHP script, that can fix the URL Alias table for this. See the Script updateniceurls.php in \update\common\scripts\ . When you are the server admin, you should be able to run that script from the "ezPublish root folder" (where the index.php is), and i think, this updates that table.
DO A BACKUP of your DB (and possibly the whole filesystem) before doing this!!!!!


Marco Zinn

Monday 15 November 2004 1:27:10 pm

Björn probably means "table"... And i think, he is right. Your problem sound like a problem with the "URL Alias" functionality (a function of ezPublish, not Apache).
Have a look at that "url_alias" Database table and see, if you find some "strange things". You should have approx. 1 table row per "node" (webpage), which does a translation from a "human-readable" URL to some internal IDs.

Björn said, that you must fix that manually, but i _think_, that there is a PHP script, that can fix the URL Alias table for this. See the Script updateniceurls.php in \update\common\scripts\ . When you are the server admin, you should be able to run that script from the "ezPublish root folder" (where the index.php is), and i think, this updates that table.
DO A BACKUP of your DB (and possibly the whole filesystem) before doing this!!!!!
