Forums / Install & configuration / Upgrade from 3.6.1 to 3.6.3

Upgrade from 3.6.1 to 3.6.3

Author Message

Pål Messenlien

Monday 31 October 2005 7:29:03 am

I just did a update on my site from 3.6.1 to 3.6.3. After the update im getting a error saying i dont have rights to show images in articles when i run as anonymous user. Also my treemenu are gone no matter what user i am logged in as. Ive tried clearing cache, reuploading the files etc with no luck.

Any suggestions on whats gone wrong?

PS! im running LDAP autentication on the site.

Høgskolen i Lillehammer
Lillehammer University College
Messenlien IT

Pål Messenlien

Monday 31 October 2005 8:36:12 am

After digging around the forums i found the solution to the images.

But still my treemenu dont show after the update. The code for this looks like this:

{def $meny_topnode=2}
	{if is_set($module_result.node_id)}
		{set $meny_topnode=$module_result.node_id}
<ul class="venstre">
{def $docs=treemenu( $module_result.path, $module_result.node_id,
                                     array('folder','lenke','iframe','nettside','link'), 0, 3)}
{def $depth=1 $last=0}
{foreach $docs as $menu}
	{if and( is_set( $menu.data_map.vis_meny), $menu.data_map.vis_meny.content)}
    {if and($last | ne(0), $last.level|gt($menu.level))}
    {if and($last | ne(0), $last.level| lt($menu.level))}
        <ul class="venstre">
  		{switch match=$menu.class_name}
		 {case match='Lenke'}
				{if and( is_set( $menu.data_map.nyttvindu), $menu.data_map.nyttvindu.content)}
				<a {$menu.is_selected|choose('','class="selected"')}
        		href={$menu.data_map.navn.content} target="_blank">{$menu.text|shorten(25)}</a>
		  		<a {$menu.is_selected|choose('','class="selected"')}
		<a {$menu.is_selected|choose('','class="selected"')}
    {set last=$menu}
{while $depth |gt(1)}
    {set depth=$depth|sub(1)}

Getting no errors from debug either, and the menu functioned before the update.

Høgskolen i Lillehammer
Lillehammer University College
Messenlien IT