Forums / Install & configuration / trouble installing ezp3.4.1 - apache 2.0.49, SuSE 9.1

trouble installing ezp3.4.1 - apache 2.0.49, SuSE 9.1

Author Message

Alexandre Cunha

Saturday 28 August 2004 2:38:39 pm


Its the first time I install ezp on apache 2.0. (+ php 4.3.4)
Have read the foruns and seams ezp can run on Apache2.
There are any know inssues ?

SuSE 9.1 only includes apache 2 and its not easy for me add apache 1.3 to my linux (any sugestions or a step by step procedure for suse 9.1 are really apreciated)

Ok, i did a normal ezp instalation and after the registration screen, i got:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: session_id() in /home/<user>/public_html/ezpublish-3.4.1/lib/ezutils/classes/ezhttptool.php on line 591
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request

The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

Any ideas ?


Paul Borgermans

Saturday 28 August 2004 3:15:59 pm

Mmm, should work

Hans will probably tell more (completed an ez publish install on a stock SuSE 9.1+online patches, but at least you need to use apache 2 in preforking mode and put accept_path_info on



eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Alexandre Cunha

Saturday 28 August 2004 3:53:46 pm

Hi Paul, thanks for your support,

Yes, i have a stock suse 9.1 with online patches. The apache2 is the apache2-prefork flavour. Dont have tested with apache2-worker (really no understand what are the diferences).
Well, seams i not missing anything ...
but ... what is the "accept_path_info" ?

Paul Borgermans

Sunday 29 August 2004 2:31:11 am

It is an apache directive,

<Directory "/path/to/eZPublish">
   <Files ~ "\.php$"> 
   AcceptPathInfo On 

But i overlooked your error message on the session_id, there could be more involved (php config where sessions are disabled?)


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Marco Zinn

Sunday 29 August 2004 5:12:13 am

Hi Axel,
is this a 1&1 Root server?
I just installed a 3.4.1 on one of this without having the problem, that you describe. Strange.
I didn't have to change the "Acceptpath" directory, but i use the Rewrite Rules in the Virtualhost, so i guess, this is not needed.
Well, the errors really points to a problem with a session handing function of PHP.


Alexandre Cunha

Monday 30 August 2004 8:46:23 am

No, its my developement box.

I discarded the apache 2.x for now.
Have build apache 1.3.31 + php 4.x from source. Almost everything goes fine now.

I apreciate any feedback from users using ezp with stock Apache 2.0 rpm from suse 9.1 personal/pro.

Hans Melis

Monday 30 August 2004 9:02:18 am

As Paul said, I have eZ publish 3.4.1 running on a Suse 9.1 and Apache 2 (prefork) + PHP 4.3.4. There wasn't a lot to do after the installation, just some general settings and the the default 3.4 virtual host as mentioned in the documentation. 2 things are different though:

1) "AcceptPathInfo On" needs to be specified in the VH config

2) I also had to add "Order allow,deny" and "Allow from all" to the <Directory> block inside the VH.

Then I enabled the mod_rewrite module (via /etc/sysconfig/apache2), started httpd and mysql and it worked.

The fatal error when calling session_id() indicates a PHP problem I think. Was it compiled with --disable-session perhaps?
