Forums / Install & configuration / Still no icons in admin and slower user site

Still no icons in admin and slower user site

Author Message

Karsten Jennissen

Wednesday 26 May 2004 5:00:33 am

I previously reported a couple of problems with 3.4alpha3 in these forums but couldn't find a solution, now I installed 3.4beta2 on the same server and the problems persist. It most likely is some server configuration, but I still would appreciate any help.

1) no mime icons in the admin
2) the user site is noticably slower than the admin site (felt: about 2:1)
3) the stylesheet/design does not seem to work properly with the user site, although the admin is ok

I installed on a 256K RAM 900Mhz SuSE 8.1 Linux server with ImageGD from the tar.gz archive. The server was recently reinitialized with the base config and I updated PHP to 4.3.3 (see
User site:
Admin site:
Before running the setup wizard I ran and Then I chose all default options in the wizard (sendmail, mysql, English UK). Designs: corporate with all options enabled.

My directives for apache look like this:

DocumentRoot /home/...
<Directory /home/...>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

php_admin_flag safe_mode Off
php_admin_value open_basedir none

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule !(^/design|^/var/.*/storage|^/var/storage|^/var/.*/cache|^/var/cache|^/extension/.*/design|^/kernel/setup/packages).*\.(gif|css|jpg|png|jar|js|ico|pdf|swf)$ /index.php

Does anyone have a clue what the problem is?

Eric Weik

Thursday 27 May 2004 5:00:45 am

Hi Karsten,

I had the same problem, and found that it was because the rewrite engine was rewriting the icons (and stylesheets). I updated the rewrite rule in the virtualhost to ignore /packages/styles (for stylesheets), and /share (for icons).

  # eZpublish config
  DocumentRoot	/www/ezpublish/current
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteRule !(^/design|^/var/.*/storage|^/var/storage|^/extension/.*/design|^/kernel/setup/packages|^/packages/styles|^/share).*\.(gif|jpg|png|css|jar|js|ico|pdf)$ /www/ezpublish/current/index.php

There may be other directories that should be added to this list, but I just installed the beta last night so thats I'll I noticed. :-)


Karsten Jennissen

Thursday 27 May 2004 6:31:28 am

Thanks a million! It works perfectly, all three problems solved with one small change.